Graphics for Poeti Sintetici I
Graphics for Sintetica Calendar 2025-01
Sintetica Calendar 2024-11
I produced the lettering for this graphics.
Improv (Nostalgia)
New paper:
On Learning Agent-Based Models from Data
New paper:
Cascade-Based Echo Chamber Detection
Podcast "Intervista Pythonista"
The Milan Python user group podcast, "Intervista Pythonista", asked me about my experience of working in data science with Python. I ended up rambling about how notebooks should and shouldn't be used, and also discussing some black magic one can do with TensorFlow.
Podcast "Innovation coffee & Seminari dell'innovazione"
The IntesaSanpaoloOnAir podcast asked me what can social media analysis tell us about mass phenomena, and how machine learning can help us connect the dots and understand the signals.
New paper:
Facebook Ads: Politics of Migration in Italy
Game of Life Music Generator
Sintetica Torino - Online Jam V
New paper:
Learning Opinion Dynamics From Social Traces