Corrado Monti

Articles included in my PhD thesis _ [all topics]

4 papers found.

Estimating Latent Feature-Feature Interactions in Large Feature-Rich Graphs

Included in my PhD thesis.

Corrado Monti and Paolo Boldi.

Internet Mathematics, 2017.

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Cleansing Wikipedia Categories Using Centrality

Included in my PhD thesis.

Paolo Boldi and Corrado Monti.

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, ACM 2016.

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Learning Latent Category Matrix to Find Unexpected Relations in Wikipedia

Included in my PhD thesis.

Paolo Boldi and Corrado Monti.

Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science, (WebSci2016), ACM 2016.

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A Network Model Characterized by a Latent Attribute Structure with Competition

Included in my PhD thesis.

Paolo Boldi, Irene Crimaldi, and Corrado Monti.

Information Sciences 354 (2016): 236–56.

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